Policies and Suggestions for Exemptions and Modifications for LEP Students Concerning State and District Assessments

Exemptions: LEP students may be exempted from state required tests if they have been classified as limited English proficient for one year or less. The Florida Department of Education STRONGLY encourages us to test all LEP students unless testing the student would have an unsound instructional effect on the student. If the student is exempted, he/she must be given an alternative assessment during the period of time of the exemption.

In order to exempt a LEP student from testing, you must have a LEP Committee meeting in which the parents are invited. The committee shall consider the following in making a decision:

If the majority of members present at the meeting agree, then the student may be exempted from taking the FCAT. At the meeting, the committee should discuss the alternative comparable measures that will be utilized to evaluate the student's academic progress during the year the student is exempt from testing. The alternative measures used should be stated in the district LEP Plan and follow DOE guidlines.

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