Reading Strategy Demonstration

1. Select a reading passage from your content area and design a lesson that incorporates pre-reading, during reading, and post-reading strategies into it. Use the reading strategy sequence on the following page to guide the development of your lesson.

Keep in mind:

Pre-reading strategies - identify students' prior knowledge, identify known and new vocabulary, and set a purpose for reading.

During reading strategies- help students look for main ideas and check their own comprehension.

Post-reading strategies - help students think about what they have learned, use the new information, and summarize the main points.

2. Label each activity in your lesson appropriately (i.e., pre, during, or post-reading activities) AND include the reading passage selected for this activity. Submit the assignment to the facilitator.

Please Note: Additional reading strategies are described on pages 140-148 in the Study Guide. The reading strategies in your study guide are divided into four sections: Pre-, During, Post-, and Comprehensive Reading Strategies. Recall that we covered Directed Reading/Thinking Activities in Module 4. SQ3R (described on p.147 of the Study Guide) is a similar comprehensive strategy in which students Survey (preview) the reading, ask Questions, Read, Recite, and Review. These two strategies (DRTA & SQ3R) incorporate pre-, during, and post-techniques and are highly recommended for consistent use in the classroom. For the purposes of this activity, you may develop three different reading strategy (pre, during, and post) activities, or you may apply one comprehensive reading strategy (DRTA or SQ3R) to a reading passage from your content area.

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