Reading Strategies

In addition to adapting already existing text in order to increase readability, teachers can also foster student literacy acquisition by creating pre, during, and post reading activities.  Some of these reading strategies are briefly described below, and there are many others created by teachers and found in teacher's manuals.  Most of these strategies help students focus on the key points or ideas in a reading before beginning to read, provide comprehension checks while reading, and help to organize the thought process about the reading after it is through. See pp. 140-148 in the Study Guide for additional strategies and for more detailed information regarding the strategies described below.

1. Pre-reading Strategies:


Key words are selected from a reading and displayed in a graphic arrangement.  Students are asked to create complete statements about each term.  These statements are predictions about the upcoming reading.

Semantic Webs/Mapping

A visual tool for expanding and extending vocabulary development.  Students are given a central topic or concept, and asked to brainstorm related vocabulary in separate categories. The map or web is used to focus discussion before a reading.

Source:  TEACH Session 3
Study Guide Section 3-Literacy Devlopment
Florida Department of Education & Josten's Learning
Other Sources:  Peregoy & Boyle (1997) Reading, Writing, and Learning in  ESL


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