2. During the Reading:

QAR:  Question Answer Relationship

Teachers can use QAR when developing comprehension questions. QAR helps students identify different question types, and teaches text organization.  There are four question types in two categories: A.  In the Book and B. In Your Head.


A. In the Book

  1. Right There: "What is a stereotype?"
  2. Think and Search: "What stereotypes about North Americans did the writer believe?"

B. In Your Head

  1. Author and You: "Is this writer knowledgeable about politics?"
  2. On Your Own: "What are some other stereotypical beliefs about North Americans?"
Semantic Feature Analysis

SFA is a visual tool in the form of a matrix designed to identify similarities of closely related words. Students fill in the matrix by putting plusses or minuses in the cells of the matrix. A plus indicates that the feature exists, whereas a minus indicates that it is not present.

Category: Animals



Source:  TEACH Session 3
Study Guide Section 3-Literacy Devlopment
Florida Department of Education & Josten's Learning
Other Sources:  Peregoy & Boyle (1997) Reading, Writing, and Learning in  ESL


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