From Text to Graphics and Back Again

From Text to Graphics and Back Again is another strategy for making reading in the content areas more comprehensible for ESOL students.  At the heart of this strategy is the graphic organizer (GO).  Recall the steps involved in implementing From Text to Graphics and Back Again.

  1. Preview the chapter and identify major concepts and the organizational pattern of the chapter.
  2. Transfer the major topics and/or concepts onto graphic organizers.
  3. Share graphic organizer(s) with students and ask them to orally generate language about the content of the chapter.
  4. Help students locate information from the graphic orgaizers in the textbook.
  5. Give blank graphic organizer to students and ask them to fill in information by reading a portion of the text.
  6. Using information from the graphic organizers, ask students to write an expository piece.

Note:  Ideally, by the end of the year, students will design and fill in their own graphic organizers.


Assignment One

Assignment Two

Assignment Three


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