Directed Reading-Thinking Activities

While the previously mentioned lesson plan sequence helps make reading in the content areas more comprehensible, some students need more explicit and direct guidance from their teachers in order to comprehend textbook readings.  Directed Reading-Thinking Activities (DRTA) provide this kind of guidance.  Recall the five steps involved in DRTAs (also highlighted on page 95 of the study guide).

  1. PREVIEW the reading.  Look at the title, headings, summary and pictures. 
  2. PREDICT what the reading is about after looking at the title, headings, pictures, and/or after reading a small portion of the text.
  3. READ the text silently in predetermined sections. 
  4. CHECK predictions by confirming or refuting their accuracy with evidence from the text.
  5. SUMMARIZE main points after the text has been completely read.
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