Module 3: Introduction to Culture, Part A

Complete the following survey on culture by evaluating values that come closest to describing your own personal values.  It is important to evaluate one's own culture and U.S. culture as a first step toward increasing cultural awareness. For each item, choose the value (a or b) that comes closest to describing your own personal values. You may submit your answers to the facilitator using either the downloadable document or p. 48 in your Study Guide.

Cultural Diversity Profile

Directions: For each item, choose the value that comes closest to describing your own personal values. Record 'a' or 'b' in the box to the left of the item.

1a. Hard work will accomplish any objectives.
1b. Wisdom, luck, and fate are basic to success.


2a. Communication should be frank and direct.
2b. Communication should be polite and indirect.


3a. Commitments should be honored.
3b. Commitments signify intention, and may be superseded by a conflicting request or need.


4a. Time should be effectively and efficiently used.
4b. Schedules should be viewed in relationship to other priorities.


5a. An individual's work tells a lot about him/her.
5b. Individual identity isn't defined by work or accomplishments.


6a. Success is earned by ability, experience, and hard work.
6b. Family ties and friendships determine mobility.


7a. Teachers should consult with parents, who can contribute useful information.
7b. Decisions should be made by those in authority and others need not be consulted.


8a. Competition stimulates high performance.
8b. Competition leads to disharmony.


9a. One should do whatever is necessary to get the job done.
9b. Some work may be below one's dignity or rank.


10a. Change is healthy.
10b. Traditions should be preserved by observing rituals and customs from the past.


11a. Both persons and systems should be evaluated.
11b. Personal evaluations should never be negative because they might cause a "loss of face."


12a. Helping a fellow student on a test is cheating.
12b. One should help friends with schoolwork, even tests.


13a. Present success and satisfaction are important.
13b. Materialism isn't important; spirituality is.


14a. Students should be self-directed and take initiative in their studies.
14b. Students should wait for directions from the teacher.


15a. An individual should do everything possible to achieve his/her goals and aspirations.
15b. The group is more important than the individual.

source: Center for Applied Linguistics. Adapted from TEACH: Session 4, Section 1.

Total the number of "a" responses________________

Total the number of "b" responses________________

Download the survey in Microsoft Word format

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