Module 2: Introduction to Language Learning

In this module you will learn how students acquire a second language and how teachers can facilitate this process. You will also learn about program models and how schools can organize instruction for second language learners. This module begins with a Pretest on Second Language Development and ends with a discussion about key factors regarding the successful inclusion of ESOL students in mainstream classes.

Please note there are four video clips included in this module on the following pages: Foreign Language Demonstration Part A , Foreign Language Demonstration Part B, Krashen's Theory of Second Language Acquisition, and Social vs. Academic Language. These clips are QuickTime movies and may be viewed using the free QuickTime viewer. If necessary, you may download the viewer at Depending on your internet connection, these movies may take a few minutes to load into your browser. If you are unable to view these video clips, please ask your facilitator for a tape.

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