A teacher is defined as one who conducts instruction regularly.  I however find that definition completely inadequate.  Perhaps at this point in my education I am nieve enough to believe that I can make a difference, no matter the magnitude, in the life of each and every child that walks into my classroom.  I do realize that I cannot make every child's life perfect or even remotely close to that.  It is my hope that if I lose this dream of truly believing that I can stimulate a child to learn, I will find a new career.  A teacher is more than someone to spout out facts and keep the peace in a classroom.  She is someone whose job it is to expand the minds of her students and open their eyes to the innumerable possibilities that lie ahead.  No matter the circumstances, I believe that every teacher has the duty to inspire a child to become the best he or she possibly can.  Although no two students demand the same instruction or have the same goals or needs, the teacher must do his or her utmost to ensure the success of the student in any possible way.

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