Bryan Talenfeld
7/6 updateI finally received my IR in the mail a few minutes before I went home for the summer break. Unfortunately, over the break I had a lot of problems getting anything done. I tried working on my LCD for awhile and also tried going to Home Depot and Ace Hardware for a platform, but realized it would be best to suck it up and try AutoCAD and get the platform done here.
I finally had some help and was able to get my LCD displaying and my IR was showing different values according to the range it detected. I’m still waiting on my motor drivers to get through the T-tech machine because I think my design must suck or the machine is old, or both. Hopefully I will soon be able to get that handled, get a platform, and then work with my other sensors. I’m behind and July 4th and a wedding this weekend for a former IMDLer won’t help my cause, but I’ve been working many hours recently and plan to work doubletime until the end of the month.