Bryan Talenfeld

7/18 update

            This week I began by working on my CMU cam.  I was getting the S and T packets to display on my LCD and monitoring the difference values between Green, Yellow, and Red.  I also worked on developing a program that could extract the data returned, which will later be used when doing the TC (track color) command and checking the confidence level of each color. 

            I received one of the two motor driver boards, so I put that together.  I also put together some basic obstacle avoidance, which I will test in lab on Tuesday once I am able to connect the wires to the board.  I wrote a majority of my line following code which includes some obstacle avoidance, but I don’t yet have the hardware for the line following, which I will hopefully put together in lab on Tuesday if the parts are there.

            Friday through Sunday I put together a majority of my platform, which I received from the T-tech on Wednesday.  I still need to mount the second motor driver and line tracking, but I have neither right now.  I also need to figure out how to power everything using the batteries, but that shouldn’t take long.