About Methane:
Methane (CH4) is a powerful greenhouse gas, over 20 times more
effective at trapping heat
than CO2. It remains in the atmosphere for between 9 and 15 years.
Methane is one of the
key ingredients in natural gas and represents a powerful energy
source if it can be tapped. For
this reason, it is desirable to attempt to capture methane
emissions so that they may be
used for energy if possible.
![US Anthropogenic Sources](http://plaza.ufl.edu/bjg12345/Images/Sources.jpg)
Within the United States, landfill gas emissions make up the most
significant portion
of anthropogenic (human-related) CO2 emissions. Landfill gas is
responsible for a
full third of the methane which is released into the atmosphere by
human activities
in the United States every year.