Michael Andrew Bewernitz, Ph.D.


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Education and Experience


      October 2010 - present
2010 Commissioner`s Fellow, Commissioner`s Fellowship Program, Division of Pharmacometrics, U.S. Food and Drug Administration


      August 2008 - October 2010
Post-doctoral associate, Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Florida

Mentor: Distinguished Professor Hartmut Derendorf, Ph.D.


      May 2008
Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from the J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Florida, thesis title: `Data Mining and Time Series Analysis of Brain Dynamical Behavior with Applications in Epilepsy`

Mentor: Distinguished Professor Panos Pardalos, Ph.D.


      August 2007

M.E. in biomedical engineering from the J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Florida


      May 2002
B.S. in chemical engineering from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Michigan State University
Biochemical engineering specialization* (chemical engineering specialization option)


Conference Talks


Michael Bewernitz, Onur Seref, Basim Uthman, Panos Pardalos. A Novel Generalized Spike-Wave Detector: Towards Real-Time Applications in Epilepsy. Conference on Computational Neuroscience 2008. Feb 21st, 2008. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.


Michael Bewernitz, Jabriel Riley, Zhao Liu, Paul Carney, Lewis Baxter, J. Chris Sackellares. A Novel In-Vivo Seizure Model of Frontal Basal Forebrain Origin in an Anolis Lizard. DIMACS Workshop on Data Mining, Systems Analysis, and Optimization in Neuroscience. February 15th, 2006. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.




Timothy E. Morey, Jerome H. Modell, Jorge E. Garcia, Michael Bewernitz, Hartmut Derendorf, Manoj Varshney, Nikolaus Gravenstein, Dinesh O. Shah, Donn M. Dennis. Thromboelastographic and Pharmacokinetic Profiles of Micro- and Macro-emulsions of Propofol in the Swine. Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition, accepted for publication (March 2010).


EL Desoky ES, Sabarinath SN, Hamdi MM, Bewernitz M, Derendorf H. Population Pharmacokinetics of Steady-state Carbamazepine in Egyptian Epilepsy Patients. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Volume: 31, Issue: 5, Pages: 654-654, Meeting Abstract: 179, Published: Oct 2009.


Bewernitz M.A., Ghacibeh G., Seref O., Pardalos P.M., Liu C.C., Uthman B. Quantification of the Impact of Vagus Nerve Stimulation Parameters on Electroencephalographic Measures. Proceedings of the conference on Data Mining, Systems Analysis and Optimization in Biomedicine. Gainesville, (FL), 28-30 March 2007, AIP Conference Proceedings, No. 953, pp. 206-219.


Uthman B., Bewernitz M.A., Liu C.C., Ghacibeh G. Optimization of Epilepsy Treatment with Vagus Nerve Stimulation. Proceedings of the conference on Data Mining, Systems Analysis and Optimization in Biomedicine. Gainesville, (FL), 28-30 March 2007, AIP Conference Proceedings, No. 953, pp. 308-315.


Nair SP, Bewernitz M. A., Jukkola P. I., Shiau D.S., Sackellares J. C., Kelly K. M.. EEG Responses to Intracerebroventricular Injections of Midazolam in Rats. AES 61st Annual Meeting 2007, Nov. 30 - Dec. 4, Philadelphia, PA. Epilepsia, 48 (S6): 308-309, 2007.


Seref O., Kundakcioglu O.E., Bewernitz M.A. `Support Vector Machines in Neuroscience`, in: N. Wickramasinghe and E. Geisler (editors), Encyclopedia of Healthcare Information Systems, Hershey, PA: IGI global, pp. 1283-1293, 2008.


Carney P.R., Shiau D.S., Iasemidis L.D., Suharitdamrong W., Shenk D., Bewernitz M.A., Nair S.P., Pardalos P.M., Sackellares J.C. Nonlinear Quantitative EEG Analysis Distinguishes Normal from Seizure-Prone Newborns. AES 58th Annual Meeting 2004, Dec. 3 - 7, New Orleans, LA. Epilepsia 45 (S7): 269-270, 2004.


Research Protocols



Pharmacokinetic / Pharmacodynamic Modeling of the Psychomotor Vigilance, Go/No-Go Performance, and Electroencephalogram Effects of Armodafinil in Sleep Deprived Healthy Adults. (GCRC #788, IRB #720-2009)



An Exploratory Study to Evaluate the Penetration of JNJ-32729463, A New Fluoroquinolone, into Soft Tissues Determined by In Vivo Microdialysis in Healthy Subjects. (GCRC #765, IRB #559-2008)



Quantitative Electroencephalographic and Evoked Potential Changes Resulting from Brivaracetam Treatment are Associated with Reduction of Myoclonus in Patients with Unverricht Lundborg Disease. (IRB #489-2007)



Examining the Effect of Lamotrigine for Newly Diagnosed Absence Seizures using Quantitative EEG Analysis. (IRB # 559-2007)



Differentiating Status Epilepticus from other Encephalopathies using Quantitative EEG Analysis. (IRB # 252-2007)


Conference Organization Committee


Conference on Computational Neuroscience 2008. February 20-21, 2008. University of Florida, Gainesville.


Data Mining, System Analysis and Optimization in Biomedicine. March 28-30, 2007. University of Florida, Gainesville.


Awards and Honors


      Physics instructor, Science: Optimizing Academic Returns (SOAR) Project, Science Content Enrichment Series (High School), funding provided by the Panhandle Area Education Consortium (PAEC), Tallahassee Florida, June 16-19, 2008


      Teaching assistantship, Howard-Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Science For Life program, University of Florida, Fall 2007-Spring 2008


      Award, Impact Award for community service, presented by The Dean of Students Office and the Center for Leadership & Service at the University of Florida, March 27, 2007


      Honorable mention, selected to represent Michigan State University in the American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AICHE) National Student Design Competition, Spring, 2002






Last updated October 2010