
I am so tired and I can't wait to take a nap!

The line at the top of this page was the first thing I typed on my practice page Tuesday.

I never did get to take that nap.

Considering the fact that we are supposed to write about ourselves and our attitudes toward college, leaving that line there as a candid remark about my day speaks volumes about my personality

I am always tired.
It's not becuse I am slovenly or lazy or malnutritioned.
It's just because I literally can not remember the last time I got a full eight hours of sleep.

I don't think my exhaustion shows through very often though because I am always on the go-
between my obsession with making straight As and maintaining my scholarship, sitting as a Student Senator and serving on the I & C committee, volunteering as a Shands Baby Cuddler, acting as an Assistant Director for SG's Campus Involvement Cabinet, carrying out my appointed offices in Kappa Delta, going to meetings for a few other organizations I try to stay involved in, getting to the gym a few times a week, making my bed and meticulously cleaning my room every day, and still trying to go out and have the social life of a normal college student
-there's no time to even think about sleep, much less curl up for an afternoon nap.

As my good friend and role model Natalie Citarella (who, in her four years at UF served as KD Panhellenic Delegate, Director of Publications for Panhellenic Recruitment, Pre-Growl Director, Outreach Ambassador, Cabinet Director, Florida Blue Key Secretary and much much more) has oft repeated
"There's No Sleep in College".

She's right.
For people like me, there is always something more important than video games, computer solitaire, instant messenger, or even sleep.

I am always multi tasking, always checking off and adding to to-do lists, always penciling things in and correcting double bookings, always thinking about what I have to get done today, or tomorrow, or the day after.

I can't even watch a movie without at least puling out a nail file or writing a couple of thank-you cards.

Sometimes I think I would just like to get some sleep...

But then I remember
everything I want to accomplish,
everyone who is depending on me,
and the fact that every moment is precious!

"There's no sleep in college!" and I love every minute I am awake!