On a happy day, she liked to "wander alone into strange and unfamiliar places." (pg 58) Is this because she feels like nothing in the world can harm her, as though the world harbors no ill will or evil at all? Chopin illustrates this belief when she says that Edna felt at one with her environment on these "happy days," as though the universe were in accord with her feelings. So it seems Edna felt the world was good simply because she felt good. In contrast, Chopin also talks of Edna enjoying cuddling in a corner to dream on these days. On the same day, while in the same mood, Edna enjoys exploring and feels at one with the universe, yet she likes to seclude herself in a corner where she is seperated from as much as the universe as possible. Could this stem from an inner guilt about what she is doing, or perhaps it is a manifestation of the fear of the unknown which she is trying to embrace. Perhaps she is not ready to embrace this unknown, so she hides herself in a familiar place that she is comfortable with and dreams of life without the societal restraints that are holding her back at the time.