man on the moon


Everyone has heard the expression "the good old days." But were they really all  that good? The 1960s was a decade that saw the assassination of two iconic Americans, a passionately protested war, "one small step for man but one giant leap for mankind," the party of the century, a British invasion, and a threat at home like no other. You will explore the websites listed below to answer questions about the 1960s. While answering the questions begin to think about the reality of living in this era.

  • Who was the first American to walk on the moon? When did this happen? What were his historic words to the world?

  • How many people attended Woodstock in 1969? How many days did the "party" last? What are the names of three bands that played at Woodstock?

  • Describe three major events that happened during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s.

  • The Cuban Missile Crisis took place over how many days? Which countries were involved?

  • What organization was founded in the name of women's rights in 1966? Who wrote The Feminine Mystique?
  • What was the name of the war that divided our country during this decade? What was the My Lai Massacure?
  • Love Me Do, From Me To You, Ticket To Ride, Yesterday, I Want To Hold Your Hand, Hard Day's Night, and Help are all songs from what famous band? Where is this band from? What were the names of the members? When did their famous performacne on the Ed Sullivan Show occur?
  • Where was President John F. Kennedy assassinated? When did this occur? Who shot and killed him? What happened to this person?

  • Describe a televisoin show, movie, book, and fashion statement that was popular in the 1960s.
  • What was minimum wage in the 1960s.

Go Hunting:

Decision Time:

Now that you have researched and learned about the 1960s it is decision time! If you had the opportunity to go back in time and live in this decade, would you? Why or why not? Make sure to consider such factors as gender, race, technology, politics, and culture. Give at least five justifications for your decision.

Created By: Jessica Wilkes and Aylin Toker