Dr. Nora M. Alter
Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies
Ana Maria Andrei
Department of Philosophy
Clay Arnold
Department of English
Rose Caraway
Department of Religion
Aaron Cerny
Department of English
PengWen Chen
Department of Mathematica
Eric Downes
Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering
Robin Globus
Department of Religion
Craig R. Herr
Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies
Mussa Idris
Department of Anthropology
Sarah Spaid Ishida
Department of Religion
Dr. Natasha Kovacevic
Ellen Joy Letostak
Department of English
Jessica Magnani
Department of English
François Michonneau
Department of Zoology
Aron Pease
Departmet of English
Sean O’Neil
Department of Religion
Dr. Leah Rosenberg
Department of English
Ryan B. Sankarpersad
Department of Mathematics
Leah M. Sarat
Department of Religion
Barry Sawicki
College of Journalism and Communications
Mallory Szymanski
College of Women’s Studies & Gender Research
Gavin Van Horn
Department of Religion
Dr. Phillip E. Wegner
Department of English
Wallace West
Department of Mathematics
Jimi Wilson
Department of Religion