clas open letter

we encourage ALL to submit their signature in support and solidarity

133 signatures as of 4p Sept 19th

Jason Antley

Department of History

Matthew S. R. Bewig

Department of History

Heather Bigley

Department of English

Dimitri Blondel

Department of Zoology

Dr. Kim Emery

Department of English

James R. Fleming

Department of English

Dustin Fridkin

Department of Political Science

Dr. Andrew Gordan

Department of English

Barbara Howe

Department of Political Science

Cari Keebaugh

Department of English

Dr. R. Brandon Kershner

Department of English

Barclay Key

Department of History

Jung-Hwa Lee

Department of English

Jessica Livingston

Department of English

Cathlena Martin

Department of English

Dr. Judith Page

Department of English

Dr. Jack Perlette

Department of English

Dr. Mark A. Reid

Department of English

Victor Romano

Department of Sociology

Andrea Schoepfer

Department of Criminology, Law, and Society

Hannah Vander-Zanden

Department of Zoology

Dr. Sidney Wade

Department of English

Lisa Schroeder York

Department of English