clas open letter

we encourage ALL to submit their signature in support and solidarity

110 signatures as of 8a Sept 19th

John Anderson

Department of Anthropology

Ogul Arslan

Department of Mathematics

Thomas Hendrik Aulbach

Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies

Tom Auxter

Department of Philosophy

Jonathan A. Barnes

Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies

Dr. Roger Beebe

Department of English/Film Studies

Dr. Marsha Bryant

Department of English

Dr. Richard Burt

Department of English

Miriam Castillo-Gil

Department of Mathematics

Amanda Culp

Department of Women's Studies

Dr. Sid Dobrin

Department of English

Jackson Frechette

Department of Anthropology

Catherine M. Galko

Department of Philosophy

Shreena Gandhi

Department of Religion

Gretchen Garrett

Department of Mathematics

Dr. Pamela Gilbert

Department of English

Weihong Guo

Department of Mathematics

Dr. Tace Hedrick

Department of English/Women's Studies

Dr. Susan Hegeman

Department of English

Dr. Normand Holland

Department of English

Dr. Sidney Homan

Department of English

Ronnie Khuri

Department of Mathematics

Dr. Kenneth Kidd

Department of English

Arun Krishnaswamy

Department of Mathematics

Dr. Dragan Kujundzic

Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies

Dr. John Leavey

Department of English

Will Lehman

Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies

James Liner

Department of English

Luke Miller

Department of English

Hung Ngoc Nguyen

Department of Mathematics

Bridgette O'Brien

Department of Religion

Dr. James J. Paxson

Department of English

Dzung Phan

Department of Mathematics

James Phillips

Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies

Dr. Hal H. Rennert

Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies

Doug Robeson

Department of Mathematics

Dr. Malani Schueller

Department of English

Samuel Snyder

Department of Religion

Robert Strich

Department of Mathematics

Annemarie Sykes

Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies

Dr. Maureen Turim

Department of English/Film Studies

Huei-ju Wang

Department of English

Dr. Ed White

Department of English

Dr. Julian Wolfreys

Department of English

Qingguo Zeng

Department of Mathematics

Xiqiang Zheng

Department of Mathematics