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SPEAKING CORRECTION GRADING ........................ |
SPAN 111 FALL 2009 |
Informacion sobre esta clase:
All communicative areas (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, writing and reading) are spread through the Sol y Viento textbook (see calendar). However, the main points are:
Practice correct pronunciation of letters, words, sentences and paragraphs. Some of the exercises will be based on the reading materials.
Greetings, the classroom, school subjects, numbers 1-100, days of the week, time- telling, interrogative words; months, weather and seasons; clothing, colors, shopping, the family, physical traits, dining, pastimes, holidays, buildings and dwelling places
Lección preliminar: Ser/estar; Articles, gender and number;
Lección 1: Regular –ar verbs; Verb + infinitive; Unstressed possessive adjectives; Present tense of regular –er and –ir verbs; Ir + a + infinitive; Adjective placement and agreement.
Lección 2: Verbs that end in –go; More on estar; e→ie, o→ue, e→i Stem-changing verbs; Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns; More on ser and estar.
Lección 3: Saber and conocer; Verbs that end in –zco; Direct object pronouns; Comparisons of equality and inequality; Indefinite and negative words; Ser vs. estar with adjectives; Indirect object pronouns and gustar
Lección 4: True Reflexive Constructions; Introduction to por Versus para.
Leccion 7: Pseudo-Reflexive Verbs
Leccion 5: Verbs like gustar; Double-Object Pronouns
READING. Cultural notes provided in each chapter and assigned selections from authentic materials.
- Vanpattern et all. Sol y Viento. Beginning Spanish. New York: Mc Graw Hill, 2005
- Vanpattern et all. Online Sol y Viento. Manual de actividades. V2. Second Ed.
- A quality English/Spanish dictionary, such as Collins, Larousse, U. Chicago, etc.
- A printed copy of this syllabus, and the Grading criteria sheets (if applicable).
Throughout the semester there will be some procedures to promote the communicative exchange, such as lectures, Video/audio/computer exercises, presentations, as well as written and oral exercises. Some of them` are mentioned below:
- Integrate faith and communicative skills in the making of projects and tasks in class.
- Teacher presentation of materials
- Collaborative learning activities
- Class discussions of readings/authentic materials
- Oral-proficiency oriented activities (elementary dialogues, interviews, recitation)
- Written and oral exercises
La nota final se determina basándose en este esquema:LA CALIFICACIÓN......... ........... .............. ..Home... ...............................................................................................................................................................................
A = 100-90 C = 76-70
B+ = 89-87 D+ = 69-67
B = 86-80 D = 66-60
C+ = 79-77 F = 59-0
La nota final incluye los siguientes componentes:
* Participación = 10%
* Exámenes (2) = 20%
* Compositions (2) = 15%
* Examen final 15%
* Workbook = 10%
* Actividades orales y Language cafe = 30%
- Read constantly the syllabus online to prepare each class ahead of time.
- Use Spanish in the classroom.
- Cooperate during group and pair activities.
- Be willing to participate actively in class.
- Show respect and good attitude toward classmates, instructor and class activities.
- Bring the necessary materials for this class (textbook, dictionary, assignments, among others).
- Use and show your OWN abilities in the language and present your own thoughts in everything presented to this class.
Class Participation and Preparation (10%)
Participation in class involves a number of variables, including but not limited to:
1. Your use of Spanish in the classroom
2. Your willingness to participate actively in all class activities
3. Your cooperation during group and pair work
4. Your respect and attitude toward the class and your peers
5. Your daily preparation for each class.
6. Your instructor may assign written homework that will be collected and gradedor posted on QUIA; these assignments form part of your participation grade.
7. Your instructor reserves the right to administer pop quizzes on grammar, vocabulary etc. in order to assess students’ preparation. These grades also form part of your participation grade.
8. The use of cell phones, pagers, iPods or mp3 players and all other electronic equipment during class is prohibited as they interrupt the class concentration and work. All equipment must be turned off in the classroom. Any evidence of cell phones (use, ringing, buzzing, etc.) and similar equipment use will result in an automatic zero in participation for that day. Using a cell phone during a composition or test will result in a zero on that assignment.
9. Participation grades will be assessed approximately every two weeks for a total of eight (8) grades throughout the semester, and you may ask your instructor for your participation grades at any time. Refer to your course packet of grading materials for the specific rubric used to assess your participation.
Attendance policy
Learning a second language requires the exposure of the target as well as the communicative exchange of ideas and opinions with your classmates and instructor. Therefore, attendance is essential in this course. For that reason, attendance is required and will be taken on a daily basis. However, it is understood that periodically things happen that could prevent your attendance. Thus, you will be allowed 3 excused/unexcused absences throughout the semester; beginning with the fourth absence, 25 points will be deducted per each absence from your participation grade if you are not able to document the absence with written proof of a valid excuse within 5 days of that absence. The written documentation of the excused absence should include the name of the student, the section of the course, the dates of the absence and the reason for the absence.
If you have been absent for 12-15 times your instructor will ask you to drop the class.
If you are absent the day of a test, quiz, spoken activity, you will receive a 0 on that assignment.
Three late arrivals and/or early departures of 10+ minutes will count as one absence.
Make sure to get the name and phone number of a classmate, as you are responsible for finding out about any changes in the syllabus or any additional assignments announced while you were absent.
Assignments are due on the day indicated, regardless of whether or not you are in class that day. If you miss class, arrange for your assignment to get to your instructor’s office before your scheduled class time.
Home Evaluation despcription (30%)
1. Tests (20%) There will be in-class written tests (see Calendar for specific dates), one upon concluding every lesson. The goal of the tests is to assess your ability to assimilate what you have learned about Spanish grammar, vocabulary, language, and culture in each unit. You are also expected to critically respond to and analyze the topics covered in class and in the texts. Tests will consist of listening, reading and writing sections in which your overall knowledge of the course material is evaluated.
2. Compositions (15%). You will write (2) compositions of about 200 words each one based on topics selected by the instructor. The first draft of each composition will be written in class, upon completion of Chapters 2 and 5 (see dates indicated in the Calendar), and the rewrite/final version will be written at home. The first version will account for 70% of the total composition grade. Your instructor will make comments and mark errors (with the symbols indicated in the “Correction Code”). You will then revise the composition and turn in the second version along with the first version for the final grade on the date specified by your instructor; this revision will be graded for the remaining 30% of the composition grade. All compositions must be double-spaced, whether written by hand or typed. All second drafts must be typed.
3. Final exam (15%) will be comprehensive and cumulative in nature and will be administered during Final Exam Week according to the Lee University final exam schedule. It is your responsibility to ensure that you will be present for your final exam; if you are out of town or leave town early you will receive a 0 on the exam. There are no make-up final exams and no alternate exam times except in the case of students scheduled to take more than 3 exams in one day.
5.Workbook (10%). You are responsible for completing all the activities in the workbook for each chapter you cover in the textbook. Certain exercises are not required in every chapter. In section XI (Calendar) you have the due date for these assignments, and a selection per chapter of the exercises you are to complete. Your grade is based on completion rather than accuracy.
4. Oral Activities (30%). Your spoken language component consists of thrfour parts: two oral interviews (mid-term and final) and two in-class conversational marathons.
A. For the midterm and final interview you will converse with a fellow classmate. General topics won't be provided prior to these oral exams. You and your partner will be randomly assigned a role play based on the chapters we have studied. You will not know the exact role play until the day of the exam, so study and practice broad themes and grammar constructs. Do not attempt to memorize a guide or script. It is a better idea to meet with your partner and act out these role plays. You will be expected to have a natural flowing conversation for about seven minutes with your partner, and will each be graded individually on the quality and amount of your participation according to the speaking activities grading criteria.
B. The students have an opportunity to speak with a native speaker in the Language café. They are expected to complete 12 visits SLO (Student Life building Office).
5. OnliWorkbook (10%) The day prior to an evaluation, you will have to complete the online workbook assigment. You'll need to log on QUIA to satisfy this requirement.