Minor Coursework:


ENC 1102.
Freshman Composition Skills II 
Credit 3
Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in ENC 1101.
Emphasis is upon the mechanics of writing and research skills in this course.  Clarity of expression and the structuring of sentences into paragraphs and essays is stressed. Students are required to write a major research paper using proper format in outline, textual documentation, bibliographical entries, etc. Gordon Rule-6000 words.
ENC 1121. 
Freshman Comp I/Honors
Credit 3
A study of English composition for freshman honors students. Analysis of major writings from British and American literature with emphasis on the skills necessary to develop original poetry and essays of the following types: descriptive, comparison/contrast, classifcation, persuasion, and argumentation. Research skills are also utilized in the development of original writings which use each of these types of literature. Gordon Rule-6000 words.
ENL 2020. 
Major Figures in English Literature
Credit 3
A course requiring critical reading of and critical writing about major authors and works representing signi•cant themes and forms from 1660to the early twentieth century. This course satisfies 3 hours of the General Education Requirement as English literature or humanities. Gordon Rule-3000 words.
LIT 2371. 
Old Testament Poetry 
Credit 3
A study is made of the nature of Hebrew poetry and wisdom literature. The mechanics of Hebrew poetry is introduced and studied from certain selected Psalms; the nature of Hebrew wisdom is emphasized from Proverbs and Ecclesiastes with special emphasis on the problem of life and happiness as stressed in Ecclesiastes and the principle of true mating love as presented in Song of Solomon. Gordon Rule-3000 words. 
HUM 2218. 
Honors Readings I: Ancient Classics 
Credit 1
Selected readings and discussions of ancient classical literature. Seminar format with limited enrollment requiring approval by the instructor based on proven academic ability. (Elective credit only)
HUM 2219. 
Honors Readings II: Medieval Christian Classics 
Credit 1
Selected readings and discussions of Christian classical literature. Seminar format with limited enrollment requiring approval by the instructor based on proven academic ability. (Elective credit only)
HUM 2229. 
Honors Readings III: Renaissance/Enlightenment Classics 
Credit 1
Selected readings and discussions of medieval/renaissance classical literature.  Seminar format with limited enrollment requiring approval by the instructor based on proven academic ability. (Elective credit only)
HUM 2259. 
Honors Readings IV: 20th Century Classics 
Credit 1
Selected readings and discussions of modern classical literature. Seminar format with limited enrollment requiring approval by the instructor based on proven academic ability. (Elective credit only)
SPC 1600.
Public Speaking 
Credit 3
Concentration on public communication in which numerous opportunities are provided to both analyze and give in-class speeches. Emphasis is upon informative and persuasive theory and extemporaneous speaking. Recommended to fulfill speech requirement.
SPC 2594. 
Forensic Workshop 
Credit 1
Laboratory in intercollegiate debate, oral interpretation and public speaking events, including extemporaneous, persuasive, prose, poetry, etc.
LIN 3680 
Modern English Structure.
Credits: 3.
A study of the grammar of current English from the viewpoint of modern linguistics.
ENL 3122 
The English Novel: 19th Century.
Credits: 3.
Includes works by such writers as Scott, Austen, Dickens, Thackeray, Eliot and Hardy.
LIT 3043 
Studies in Modern Drama.
Credits: 3
May be repeated once with change of content up to a total of 6 credits.
Representative selections from continental, British and American playwrights. Consult home page.
LIT 4930 
Variable Topics in Literature and Language: 
Rome in American Literature
Credits: 3
May be repeated with change of content up to a total of 9 hours.  Proseminar of variable content providing an opportunity for the in-depth study of various topics or subjects such as the literature of war and peace, of death, and of courtly love. 
ENG 4060 
History of the English Language.
Credits: 3.
The origins of the English language and its development from the Old English period to the present. It is strongly advised that students previously have an introductory course (LIN 2000, LIN 2001 or LIN3010).