Major Coursework:
Classical Studies


REL 1210. 
History& Geography: Old Testament
Credit 2
This course is designed to provide the student with an introductory survey of the Old Testament, focusing especially on the history of Israel and the geographical and Ancient Near Eastern setting in which that history unfolds.
REL 1240. 
History& Geography: New Testament 
Credit 2
The Books of Luke and Acts serve as the basis of the course. The course is designed to acquaint the student with the travels and teaching of Jesus as set forth in Luke and the geography of Palestine in His day. Also, it follows the travels of the apostles with special emphasis given to the travels of Paul.  The course extends from the birth of Christ to Paul’s Roman imprisonment.
REL 2717. 
N.T. Epistles: Ephesians & Colossians 
Credit 2
Based on the books of Ephesians and Colossians. God’s eternal purpose, as unfolded in Christ and the church and made known through the Holy Spirit, is the theme. A general view of God’s scheme of redemption from creation to consummation is presented. 
REL 2257. 
New Testament Epistles: 1 Corinthians 
Credit 2
The origin, growth, and work of the church in New Testament times are studied closely. The organization, worship, conditions of membership, discipline, mission of the church, and qualifcations and work of the elders and deacons are taught as the New Testament reveals them. The various questions that constantly agitate brethren will be studied. First Corinthians is studied thoroughly, with emphasis given to the problems encountered as Christianity moved into a pagan culture.
REL 2782. 
Introduction to Christian Evidences 
Credit 2
Designed to acquaint the student with two special lines of argumentation, internal and external evidence, which support the view that Christianity is of supernatural origin. The internal evidence and its appeal to the rationality of man. The student gains an insight into the basic issue between Naturalism and Supernaturalism. 
LAT 1122 
Beginning Latin 3
Credits: 3
Prereq: LAT 1121 (grade of C or better, or S) or equivalent work.  Suitable for students with some high school Latin.
GRE 2040. 
Beginning Greek 
Credit 4
An introductory course in the grammar of Koine Greek. Gordon Rule-3000 words.
GRE 2041. 
Beginning Greek
Credit 4
Continuation of GRE 2040. Gordon Rule-3000 words.
CLA 2100 
The Glory that was Greece
Credits: 3
A broad cultural view of the classical Greek world. Greek sources read in translation.
CLA 3930 
Special Topics in Classical Civilization. "Roman Decadence"
Credits: 3
An examination of various aspects of Greek and Roman culture based on the ancient sources, literary and archaeological.
CLT 3370 
Myths of the Greeks and Romans
Credits: 3
The development, importance, and influence of Graeco-Roman mythology. The main Greek and Latin literary sources read in translation.
LNW 3380 
The Roman Historians: Sallust
Credits: 3
Prereq: A 2000 level Latin course, advanced placement or equivalent high school study. May be repeated with a change of content up to a maximum of 6 credits.  Readings in Latin from one of the following Roman historians: Sallust, Caesar, Livy or Tacitus.
LNW 3930 
Studies in Latin Literature: Letters of Seneca
Credits: 3
Prereq: A 2000 level Latin course, or advanced placement, or equivalent high school level
Latin. May be repeated with a change of content up to a maximum of 6 credits.  A variable topics course providing an in-depth study of a particular author (e.g., Suetonius), genre (e.g., didactic poetry), or period (e.g., The Silver Age).
LNW 3490 
Medieval Latin
Credits: 3
Prereq: A 2000 level Latin course, advanced placement or equivalent high school study. May be repeated with a change of content up to a maximum of 6 credits.  Readings from Medieval Latin 350 to 1200 A.D. 
LNW 3930
Studies in Latin Literature: Roman Law
Credits: 3
Prereq: A 2000 level Latin course, or advanced placement, or equivalent high school level
Latin. May be repeated with a change of content up to a maximum of 6 credits.  A variable topics course providing an in-depth study of a particular author (e.g., Suetonius), genre (e.g., didactic poetry), or period (e.g., The Silver Age).
LNW 3220 
The Ancient Novel: Petronius
Credits: 3
Prereq: A 2000 level Latin course, advanced placement or equivalent high school study. May be repeated with a change of content up to a maximum of 6 credits.  Readings from Petronius, Apuleius or the Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri.