Student name: Angela B. Miller
Source of illustration: EME 4406
Professor: Richard Hartshorne
Semester completed in program: Spring 2002
Acceptable grade received on assignment: Yes
Group assignment/Individual assignment: Individual assignment
Accomplished practice performance indicator: 12.7 - Cooperating teacher's record of a demonstration of the use of technology, to prepare and utilize instructional materials.

Description of Assignment: I created a PowerPoint presentation that deals with a topic in my academic specialization area (i.e. Latin).  My presentation included the following functions:

Rationale: This illustration demonstrates the teacher's use of technology to manage and improve instruction.  Particularly, this powerpoint presentation shows how the teacher can integrate technology into the preparation and delivery of lesson materials for a classroom lecture.  The presentation contains appropriate graphics and transitions, which are attractive to the learner, and the lesson itself is highly-organized, which enhances the learner's acquisition of knowledge.  The presentaion also contains a link which supplements the lesson and provides the student with an additional educational resource.

Powerpoint Presentation

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