Goals and Accomplishments
Short-Term Professional Goals:
master Latin grammar and become comfortable with its nuances
continue to build my Latin vocabulary
reaquaint myself with Koine Greek and familiarize myself
with Ancient/Classical Greek
build my Latin library
begin work on my master's reading list
begin collecting research for my master's thesis
develop sight-reading/translating skills
grow confident of self-improvement in classics
Long-Term Professional Goals:
teach English in a foreign country
teach high school English (in U.S.)
teach high school Latin (in U.S.)
promote classical studies in the public schools
design a curriculum suitable for teaching Latin to younger
students (elementary/middle)
implement a classical education program in a middle school
teach middle/elementary school Latin
publish children's classical literature book(s).
write a non-classically-related book.
I received funding through several scholarships to enroll
in a study-abroad program in Rome, Italy during the summer of 2001.
While abroad, I had the opportunity to travel independantly
in France, Germany, Switzerland, the Czcech Republic, and Greece, thereby
extending my cross-cultural experience and enriching my knowledge of other
classical lands.
I served as the treasurer for the Epsilon Iota chapter
of Eta Sigma Phi, a Classics honor society, from 2001-2002.
I attended two National Conventions for Eta Sigma Phi
(2001 in Monmouth, IL, and 2002 in San Diego, CA).
I will graduate cum laudeon May 3, 2002 with a
Bachelor of Arts degree in Classical Studies.
Prior to graduation, I was accepted into the Classics
master's program at the University of Florida.
For my scholarship and desire to teach, I was awarded
a graduate teaching assistantship in the Classics department.
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