Internet Safety

Q: What is Internet safety?  

A: Internet safety, in the context of classroom education, are the precautions taken to protect students’ privacy, to protect them from exposure to inappropriate sites, and to educate and prepare students on how to appropriately “surf” the Internet.

Q: Why should we let students go online during school?

A: I’ll borrow a quote from Parry Aftab, a lawyer who is very involved in developing cyber safety issues and the author of The Parent’s Guide to Protecting Your Children in Cyberspace, who states “The Internet isn’t optional anymore---it’s essential to our children’s futures (p.1). The Internet should be used in education when it is “worth” it, meaning it allows us to do something we couldn’t do before or it allows us to do something better than we could before.  The Internet creates engaging activities, increases productivity, swells resources, and expands horizons beyond the typical school boundaries.

STUDENTS, Each of you will be receiving a copy of the School’s AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) and signing it before you will be able to use the Internet in school. Your parents will also be receiving a copy; please review it together.


PARENTS, You will receive a copy of your child’s school AUP (Acceptable Use Policy).  Please review this with them and utilize the following resources at home.  Remember, Internet safety should be practiced at home as well as at school.

StudentsßßßAdditional ResourcesàààParents



Copy of Letter Home On Internet Use



School Board of Alachua County AUP

  Know before you go into Cyberspace





Teaching Internet Safety Hotlist

Teenangel’s Tips for Students for Teens


Teenangels’ Tips for Parents



Parenting your Online Child



Parental Supervision Agreement




Help with basic computer questions? Internet 101




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