* This program is used with within-subjects designs. It computes confidence intervals for effect size estimates. To use the program one inputs at the top of the program: m--a vector of means v--a covariance matrix in lower diagonal form, with periods for the upper elements n--the sample size prob--the confidence level prior to the Bonferroni adjustment adjust--the number of contrats is a Bonferroni adjustment to the confidence level is requested. Otherwise adjust is set equal to 1 Bird--a switch that uses the variances of all variables to calculate the denominator of the effect size as suggested by K. Bird (Bird=1). Our suggestion is to use the variance of those variables involved in the contrast to calculate the denominator of the effect size (Bird=0) In addition one inputs at the bottom of the program: c--a vector of contrast weights multiple contrasts can be entered. After each, type the code run ci; proc iml; m={32.500 22.467 23.133}; v={58.121 . ., 35.517 49.016 ., 36.690 40.384 49.430}; do ii = 1 to nrow(v)-1; do jj = ii+1 to nrow(v); v[ii,jj]=v[jj,ii]; end; end; n=30 ; Bird=1; df=n-1; cl=.95; adjust=3; prob=cl; print 'Vector of means:'; print m; print 'Covariance matrix:'; print v; print 'Sample size:'; print n; print 'Confidence level before Bonferroni adjustment:'; print cl; cl=1-(1-prob)/adjust; print 'Confidence level with Bonferroni adjustment:'; print cl; start CI; pvar=0; count=0; if bird=0 then do; do mm=1 to nrow(v); if c[1,mm]^=0 then do; pvar=pvar+v[mm,mm]; count=count+1; end; end; end; if bird=1 then do; do mm=1 to nrow(v); pvar=pvar+v[mm,mm]; count=count+1; end; end; pvar=pvar/count; es=m*c`/(sqrt(pvar)); se=sqrt(c*v*c`/n); nchat=m*c`/se; ncu=TNONCT(nchat,df,(1-prob)/(2*adjust)); ncl=TNONCT(nchat,df,1-(1-prob)/(2*adjust)); ll=se*ncl/(sqrt(pvar)); ul=se*ncu/(sqrt(pvar)); print 'Contrast vector'; print c; print 'Effect size:'; print es; Print 'Estimated noncentrality parameter'; print nchat; Print 'll is the lower limit of the CI and ul is the upper limit'; print ll ul; finish; c={1 -1 0}; run ci; c={1 0 -1}; run ci; c={0 1 -1}; run ci; quit;