Yucatec Study Abroad

North Carolina
Santa Elena
Chichen Itza


The program included several destinations.  

  • The first place was 2 weeks in University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill
  • Then we spent a week in Merida, the capital of the Yucatan state in Mexico
  • Following that we were in Santa Elena for 10 days, practicing Yucatec with the native speakers
  • One weekend we got to go to an ancient cave, known as Lol-tun Cave and the rest of the time at a hacienda  
  • Then we had a 4 day break, when we got to do what we like.  Most people went to the beach.  However, I chose to stay in a hostel in Valladolid and visited the following archaeological sites:  Coba, Tulum, and  Chichén Itzá. 
  • Then we stayed in Valladolid for a week and went to practice Yucatec in a small town of Xocen