One of the overlooked mechanics when examining the physics of insturments is
the effects of the air cavity on the sound. Just as the strings, face plate, and back
plate all have different modes which help to bring out individual tones, so does the
air inside the guitar itself. It is from this cavity that the Helmhotlz resonance comes,
as it is the lowest frequency resonance of the air inside the guitar and is mostly dependent
upon the volume of air, and the shape and size of the sound hole. From this
resonance other internal resonances are compared.
Still, with a guitar it is hard to just separate each individual part to understand it. The
Heisenberg principle could even be considered to apply when looking at the mechanics of this instrument.
Each time you try to isolate a single part of the instrument to study it�s principals, you change the
system. If you look just at the resonance of the cavity inside the guitar, it means stopping
resonance of the back and face plate, which in turn can change the volume of the cavity,
affecting it just as it affects them. This holds true for all aspects of the guitar. When
these aspects are taken into affect, there are usually three strong resonance frequencies formed
from patterns of simple harmonic motion of the face and back plates.